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Terms and Conditions


Use of this web site implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions for viewing this web site and for printing from it. All matters regarding this web site shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England.


Intumescent Systems Ltd has provided this web site as a means to introduce its products to a global audience, and for the convenience of its many customers. It has been provided in good faith, and all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information is correct. However, in the interests of product development and to allow for matters beyond the control of the company, some or all product descriptions, pictures, and specifications may be subject to change without prior notice. Customers should satisfy themselves of the suitability of a product for their intended purpose before placing an order, and no guarantee is expressed or implied by Intumescent Systems Ltd or its employees, offices, and distributors, owing to the fact that conditions of use and handling are out of its control. Intumescent Systems Ltd specifically disclaims all liability for loss, damage, or other expenses arising from the use of information, data, or products mentioned or referred to verbally or in its printed or electronic documents.

Nothing on this web site is to be taken as part of any contract under any law.

Intumescent Systems Ltd reserves all rights in the material comprising this web site, and written permission must be given before any of this material may be used elsewhere. However, you may print individual pages of information for your sole use in the pursuance of fire prevention product selection. You may provide a link to this web site if you so wish. None of these terms and conditions may be excluded by the terms and conditions of any purchase order or any other communication placed with the company, whether expressed or implied.

  1. All contracts made by lntumescent Systems Ltd (“the Company”) shall be deemed to incorporate these terms and conditions. No variation or addition to them shall form part of any contract unless specifically accepted by the Company in writing and signed by the Company Managing Director and they shall override and take the place of any other terms and conditions in any other document or other communication used by the buyer in concluding the contract with the Company.
  2. The price for each delivery shall be paid in full and received by the Company by the last day in the month following the month in which the goods were invoiced, unless expressly agreed in writing otherwise. Where the payment is not received by due date, the Company will charge interest at 2.5% per month (or other such rate as may be notified) for the period that the settlement remains outstanding
    Legal and beneficial ownership of the goods shall remain with the Company until full payment has been received.
  3. The Company reserves the right to make deliveries and/or provide services by instalments and to render a separate invoice in respect of each such instalment. If the Company exercises it’s right to make deliveries and/or provide services in accordance with sub paragraph above, then any delay in the provision of such deliveries/services, or failure to deliver any further instalment or instalments, shall not entitle the Buyer to reject the Contract or the delivery/service of any other instalment or to withhold payment in respect of any instalment previously delivered.
  4. The Company may deliver by instalments in such quantities as it may reasonably decide; such instalments shall be separate obligations and no breach in respect of one or more of them shall entitle the Buyer to cancel any subsequent instalments or repudiate this contract as a whole.
  5. For insurance purposes notwithstanding that the title to the goods may not have passed, the risk in the goods shall pass to the customer upon delivery.
  6. The Company undertakes to make every reasonable effort to effect delivery on quoted specific dates, however the Company shall not be liable for any consequences arising from failure to deliver at any specified time.
  7. If any of the goods supplied or processed by or on behalf of the Company prove on inspection to be defective in material or workmanship the Company undertake at it’s option to replace the same or to refund the buyer the price of the goods and in no circumstances will liability exceed the cost of replacement or the price paid by the Buyer for the goods.
  8. The Company shall not be liable for damages whether consequential or otherwise howsoever caused or occasioned and this undertaking is given in place of and excludes all other warranties and conditions whatsoever whether expressed or implied by Statute or Common Law in so far as and to the extent that it is lawful to exclude them.
  9. Any discrepancies on receipt of your order must strictly be notified within 7 working days.
  10. The Buyer shall determine the suitability of the products for his intended use and shall not rely upon any representations made by or on behalf of the Company. In no circumstances will the Company liability exceed the limitations set forth above.
  11. The Company reserves the right to amend its terms and conditions of trade at any time without notice and a full copy of the updated terms and conditions of trade can be obtained from the company by request.
  12. These conditions will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English Law.

Data Protection Act 2018
1. We may transfer information about you to our financiers, who

(a) may use, analyse and assess information about you, including the nature of your transactions, and exchange such information with other members of their group of companies and others for credit or financial assessment, market research, statistical analysis, insurance claim, underwriting and training purposes and in making payment ands servicing their agreement with us;
(b) from time to time, may make searches of your record at credit reference agencies where your record with such agencies may include searches made and information given by other businesses; details of their searches will be kept by such agencies but will not be seen by other organisations that may make searches;
(c) may give information about you and your indebtedness to the following:
(i) our or their insurers for underwriting and claims purposes;
(ii) any guarantor or indemnifier of your or our obligations to enable them to assess such obligations;
(iii) their bankers or any advisers acting on their behalf;
(iv) any business to whom your indebtedness or our arrangements with our financiers may be transferred – to facilitate such transfer
(d) may monitor and/or record any phone calls you may have with them, for training and/or security purposes;
(e) in the event that they transfer all or any of their rights and obligations under their agreement with us to a third party, may transfer information about you to enable the third party to enforce their rights or comply with the obligations

2. We will provide you with details of our financiers on request, including a contact telephone number if you want to have details of the credit reference agencies and other third parties referred to above from whom they obtain and to whom they may give information about you. You also have a right to receive a copy of certain information they hold about you if you apply to them in writing. However a fee will be payable.

Customer Returns

Due to the high level of return requests, we ask that when you or your customers order goods they MUST make sure that first of all it is required and/or is the correct product, size, colour, etc.

Envirograf will be firm when such requests are made and will not necessarily accept goods back into our stock.  A handling fee/re-stocking charge will be incurred on any products if we do accept them back into stock.  You/your customer will be responsible for arranging the return back to us.

Products Envirograf will not accept back into stock: Liquids (Coatings, Adhesives, Silicones &/or
Mastics) and specially made products (products made to bespoke sizes, colours etc).

Envirograf ® products are tested to British Standards & European Standards at approved test centres.

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