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Open Day: Envirowall Eco-house Test

We are hosting an Open Day on the 22nd July 2021 at 10AM. We invite you to attend our Eco-house Burn Test at our premises in Barfrestone, Kent (CT15 7JG).

Panels are manufactured with insulated slabs adhered between timber panels and coated in fire-resistant paint. They slot together to create structures from a single-storey height up to as high as 3m to build a block of flats.

Our panels have been fire tested, as well as thermal tested and airborne & sound tested. Its thermal performance achieved an all-time low rating at 1.15 m3 .h-1 .m2 @50pa.

envirowall eco house

For a copy of our literature packs and video file, you can downloaded files here.

If you are interested in attending, please call Dawn Capon on 01304 842555 or email to register. You can also register your interest via our Facebook page: or via our LinkedIn page:

The test and event will be filmed, and you will be asked to complete a photo release form when you attend. We look forward to seeing you.

British Coatings Fed New logo
Envirograf ® products are tested to British Standards & European Standards at approved test centres.

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