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What is Fire Safety Compliance

Does your building or property satisfy Building Control?

UK Building Regulations regularly update the importance of Fire Safety Compliance and require that all buildings to have adequate fire protection to protect both property and lives. Regular fire risk assessments and monitoring of the quality of buildings ensure that no corner of a building remains unprotected. Most types of buildings are well-equipped with fire extinguishers, alarms and other fire safety measures.

However, keeping up with Fire Safety Compliance will protect buildings from irreversible fire damage. According to Government Fire Statistics, many destructive fires often arise from misuse of electrical equipment, faulty wiring, electrical heating systems, and also arson. Preventing fires from spreading becomes effectively achieved by installing intumescent passive fire products. Envirograf® products cover several areas of buildings, including letterboxes, downlights, doors, and more. High-risk areas include overloaded electrical sockets, voids within cavity spaces, exposed timber, downlights, etc.

Made in Britain, and also used on a global scale, we manufacture the largest range of passive fire products. Our products provide effective protection for educational, residential, heritage and commercial buildings.

Our full range of passive fire products are available to view online, with various products available to purchase. Alternatively, call our Technical Team on 01304 842 555 to discuss your project requirements and find suitable passive fire products.

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Envirograf ® products are tested to British Standards & European Standards at approved test centres.

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